General Conditions

Windmill - Schumann
1 General
These General Conditions are applicable to all consulting work, thereby excluding any other applicable other (general) conditions.

2 Code
ADrenthe follows the core code for knowledge-intensive services.

3 Activities
The work will be carried out to the best of our ability and knowledge, without any responsibility by the contractor.

4 Offers
Quotations are free, unless another binding arrangement have been made. Quotations are valid for 2 months. We can offer a fixed price or a price based on actual costs (hours / days) . Agreements may be terminated unilaterally by either party with giving reasons with 2 months notice.
A Drenthe Consulting Management Finance Tolkien
5 Rates
Time expended is expressed in hours or days. Rates are exclusive of VAT and travel. Every year rates will be unilaterally adjusted based on market and cost development.

6 Payment
Invoicing will be done 1 x per month, with specification . Invoices must be paid within 14 days. Billable time is considered to be work and travel-time. Appointments cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will be charged.
7 Confidentiality
Any information obtained in the context of our mandate will be kept strictly confidential and will not be provided to third parties. Without the consent of the client
8 Force Majeure
Neither party will be liable to fulfill its obligations under the agreement if this is the result of circumstances reasonably beyond the control of the parties.
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9 Liability
We undertake the assignment given to the best of our knowledge and ability to perform in accordance with the requirements of good workmanship. However we cannot provide warranties concerning the results of our work. Contractor shall not be liable for any damages or costs whatsoever, in respect of advice given, except those caused intentionally or by gross negligence.
10 Dispute
Any dispute will be settled based on Dutch law by the competent court in The Hague
11 Deviations
The above provisions can only in consultation, and in writing, be waived.